Preparing for a Job Interview: Entering the Workforce after Blogging

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Last Updated on August 13, 2024 by Ellen

Preparing for a job interview? After spending years as a blogger and content creator, you’ve honed your skills in writing, marketing, branding, and perhaps even photography or graphic design. Now, you’re considering re-entering the workforce after blogging.

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Preparing for a job interview? After spending years as a blogger and content creator, you’ve honed your skills in writing, marketing, branding, and perhaps even photography or graphic design. Now, you’re considering re-entering the workforce after blogging.

Preparing for a Job Interview

Whether you’re looking to pivot your career, seek stability, or explore new opportunities, preparing for a job interview after years of entrepreneurship can feel daunting. This guide is tailored to help women who have been bloggers and content creators transition smoothly into more conventional roles and ace their job interviews.

1. Understanding the Value of Your Experience

Before diving into interview preparation, it’s essential to recognize the value of the work you’ve done as a blogger or content creator. You might have built a brand from scratch, managed social media accounts, created content strategies, collaborated with brands, and navigated the complexities of SEO. These experiences have provided you with a unique set of skills that are highly valuable in the job market.

Key Skills to Highlight:

Content Strategy and Creation: Your ability to develop and execute a content calendar, write engaging content, and adapt your messaging for different audiences is a significant asset.
Digital Marketing: Experience with SEO, social media marketing, email campaigns, and data analytics are in-demand skills in many industries.
Project Management: Managing your blog, coordinating with partners, and ensuring deadlines are met demonstrates strong project management abilities.
Branding and Communication: Crafting a personal brand and effectively communicating it across various platforms showcases your strategic thinking and communication skills.

a woman handing in her resume

2. Tailoring Your Resume and Cover Letter

Your resume and cover letter are your first chance to make a great impression. Given that you’ve been self-employed, it’s crucial to translate your entrepreneurial experience into terms that potential employers will understand and value.

Resume Tips:

Create a Professional Title: Instead of simply listing yourself as a “Blogger” or “Content Creator,” consider titles like “Digital Marketing Specialist,” “Content Strategist,” or “Social Media Manager” that reflect the breadth of your experience.
Quantify Your Achievements: Whenever possible, use numbers to demonstrate your impact. For example, mention how much you increased your blog traffic, engagement rates, or the success of campaigns you’ve run.
Emphasize Transferable Skills: Highlight skills that are directly relevant to the job you’re applying for. If you’re moving into a marketing role, focus on your experience with campaign management, content creation, and audience analysis.

Cover Letter Tips:

Tell Your Story: Use your cover letter to explain your career journey. Discuss how your blogging and content creation experience has equipped you with unique skills and perspectives that you can bring to the new role.
Showcase Your Knowledge: Demonstrate your understanding of the industry you’re moving into and how your background as a content creator makes you a strong candidate.

a woman preparing for a job interview paperwork

3. Preparing for Common Interview Questions

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve had one. Preparing for common interview questions can help you feel more confident and ready to articulate your experience.

Questions to Expect:

“Tell me about yourself.”

How to answer: Start with a brief overview of your blogging career, focusing on your key achievements and the skills you’ve developed. Then, transition into why you’re interested in the new role and how your experience aligns with the company’s needs.

“Why are you looking to transition from blogging to this role?”

How to answer: Explain your motivations for seeking a new challenge, such as wanting to work on larger teams, apply your skills in new ways, or achieve professional growth. Emphasize that your blogging experience has provided you with a solid foundation for the role.

“Can you give an example of a successful project you’ve managed?”

How to answer: Describe a project from your blogging career that showcases your project management skills. This could be a content campaign, a brand partnership, or a significant milestone in your blog’s growth. Be sure to discuss the planning process, execution, and the results.

“How do you handle deadlines and manage your time?”

How to answer: Reflect on how you’ve balanced multiple responsibilities as a blogger, such as creating content, managing social media, and engaging with your audience. Provide examples of how you’ve set priorities, met deadlines, and handled challenges.

portfolio for an interview

4. Showcasing Your Portfolio

A portfolio can be a powerful tool in your job interview, especially if you’re applying for roles in content creation, marketing, or related fields. Your portfolio should showcase your best work and demonstrate your ability to create high-quality content.

Portfolio Tips:

Curate Your Best Work: Choose a selection of blog posts, social media campaigns, or other content that highlights your skills and achievements. Focus on pieces that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.
Include Metrics: Whenever possible, include metrics that show the success of your work, such as traffic numbers, engagement rates, or conversion rates.
Organize by Skill: Consider organizing your portfolio by the skills you want to highlight, such as writing, social media management, or content strategy.

5. Navigating the Interview Day

On the day of the interview, your goal is to present yourself as a confident, competent professional ready to contribute to the company. Here are some tips to help you navigate the interview with poise.

Before the Interview:

Research the Company: Familiarize yourself with the company’s mission, values, and recent news. This will help you tailor your answers and show that you’re genuinely interested in the role.
Practice Your Answers: Rehearse your responses to common interview questions and be prepared to discuss your portfolio.
Prepare Questions: Have a few questions ready to ask the interviewer, such as inquiries about the company culture, team dynamics, or opportunities for growth.

During the Interview:

Dress Professionally: Choose an outfit that aligns with the company’s dress code but also makes you feel confident.
Be Yourself: Authenticity is key. Let your personality shine through, and don’t be afraid to share your passion for your work.
Listen Carefully: Pay attention to the questions being asked and take a moment to gather your thoughts before responding.

After the Interview:

Send a Thank-You Note: A prompt, personalized thank-you note can leave a lasting impression. Use this opportunity to reiterate your interest in the role and briefly mention something discussed during the interview. I like these professional thank you cards.

Here are some tips for handling job rejection.

Preparing for a job interview? After spending years as a blogger and content creator, you’ve honed your skills in writing, marketing, branding, and perhaps even photography or graphic design. Now, you’re considering re-entering the workforce after blogging.

6. Addressing Potential Concerns

Employers might have concerns about hiring someone transitioning from self-employment to a more structured role. It’s important to address these concerns proactively.

Common Concerns:

“Will she be able to adapt to a structured environment?”

How to address: Highlight instances where you’ve collaborated with others, met deadlines, and followed guidelines in your blogging career.

“Is she up-to-date with industry trends?”

How to address: Discuss any ongoing education, certifications, or industry research you’ve undertaken to stay current.

*”Does she have the right mindset for a team environment?”

How to address: Emphasize your enthusiasm for working with a team, learning from others, and contributing to a collective goal.

7. Embracing the Transition

Re-entering the workforce after years as a blogger and content creator is a significant transition, but it’s also an opportunity to bring your unique skills and perspectives to a new environment. Embrace the process, trust in the value of your experience, and approach each interview as a chance to learn and grow.

By preparing thoroughly, understanding the value of your experience, and presenting yourself with confidence, you can successfully navigate this transition and secure the job that aligns with your career goals. Remember, the skills you’ve developed as a blogger are not just relevant—they’re a powerful asset that can set you apart in the job market.

I hope these tips have helped with preparing for a job interview!

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