Sponsor the EllenBlogs Newsletter

The EllenBlogs newsletter is a niche Work at Home / Blogging newsletter. Every week, the latest issue is sent to people with an interest in earning money by creating their own business or working at home.

About the newsletter

Interested in sponsoring the EllenBlogs newsletter? Great! Here are a few details about the newsletter:

  • Readers with an interest in starting new businesses and working from home
  • 21% open rate
  • Sent once a week

Sponsor guidelines

I’m only interested in working with brands that are helping their customers earn more money. If you can clearly point to the type of positive result your product helps customers create, then your brand is likely a great fit!

Get started

My newsletter is part of the ConvertKit Sponsor Network, so everything will be handled by the team at ConvertKit.

If you’re interested in working together, please fill out this form.