How to Simplify Your Writing Style

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Last Updated on December 10, 2023 by Ellen

Learn how to simplify your writing with these tips to improve your writing style. Keep reading to take your content writing to the next level.

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Learn how to simplify your writing with these tips to improve your writing style. Keep reading to take your content writing to the next level.

How to Simplify Your Writing Style

One of the most effective ways to engage your reader and convey your ideas is by simplifying your writing. A complex sentence structure or heavy use of jargon can often make the text difficult to digest.

So, whether you’re penning a novel, drafting a business report, or creating content for your website, these tips will help you deliver your message in a way that truly resonates with your audience.

I find that Grammarly is one of the best tools to simplify your write. Check it out here.

Trimming the Fat from Your Writing

To make your writing ‘leaner’, get rid of extra words or phrases that make your message confusing. Try not to use too many words. For example, instead of saying “due to the fact that,” you could just say “because.” Also, use active voice, not passive voice, to make your sentences shorter and more powerful. The goal is to share your ideas simply and clearly, so cut out anything that doesn’t help explain your main point.

The Importance of Clarity

Clarity in writing is the key to effective communication. It ensures your readers understand your arguments, concepts, and ideas without any confusion. By being clear, you respect your reader’s time and encourage their engagement, making your content more impactful.

woman writing in a notebook

Use Simple Words

Simplicity makes your writing accessible and digestible. Avoid using complex jargon or complicated sentences. Instead, aim to explain your ideas as if you were talking to someone with no prior knowledge of the topic. Use simple words. This makes your writing more inclusive and easier to understand.

Use Smaller Words

Using smaller words or simple words can make your writing more straightforward. Big words or technical language can intimidate or confuse readers, often leading to misinterpretation.

Smaller words are easier to understand and can convey your message more efficiently. Remember, simplicity does not equate to a lack of depth—instead, it opens your writing to a wider audience.

Eliminate Unnecessary Words

Often in an attempt to sound professional or intelligent, writers may use excessive or unnecessary words. This can make your text sound overcomplicated and can potentially hamper comprehension. Keep your sentences concise and to the point.

If a word doesn’t add value or meaning to a sentence, it’s likely unnecessary. Remember, every word should serve a purpose. By eliminating unnecessary words, you can make your writing clearer and more impactful.

woman sitting at a table outside writing

Avoid Passive Voice

The use of passive voice often complicates the sentence structure and can make your writing less engaging. By using active voice, you can make your statements more direct and dynamic.

Active voice makes it clear who is doing what, which helps your reader understand your content better. Try to limit the use of passive voice in your writing and opt for active voice whenever possible.

Explain Complex Ideas

It’s your role as a writer to break ideas down into manageable chunks. Start by explaining the idea in general terms. Then, gradually delve into more specific aspects, using relatable examples and analogies where possible. This step-wise unpacking of information can make even the most complicated concepts accessible to your readers. Always remember, your goal is to enlighten your audience—not to confuse them.

Use Plain Language

Plain language is a writing strategy aimed at ensuring the reader understands the message quickly and completely. This involves using straightforward, everyday words, short sentences, and clear, concise paragraphs.

The idea is to avoid complex, technical language that might confuse your reader. Instead, your focus should be on clear communication. Using plain language doesn’t mean dumbing down your content, it’s about making sure your message is understood by as many people as possible, regardless of their background or level of knowledge on the subject.

woman writing with her laptop

Use Short Paragraphs

Short paragraphs are another essential tool to simplify your writing. Large blocks of text can be intimidating and hard to digest. By breaking content into smaller paragraphs, you make it more accessible and easy to read.

Each paragraph should contain a single idea or point. This allows readers to absorb information in manageable chunks, making your overall message clearer. Shorter paragraphs also provide natural pauses for readers, increasing their comprehension and engagement with your content.

A Few Tips for Simple Writing

Here are a few ways you can keep your writing clear.

Use Plain Language: Avoid complex, technical language that might confuse your reader. Use straightforward, everyday words that make your message clear.

Paragraph Breaks: Break your content into shorter paragraphs. Each paragraph should contain a single idea or point, making your overall message clearer and easier to read.

Simple Sentences: Keep your sentences clear and concise. Complicated sentences can confuse readers and obscure your meaning.

Learn how to simplify your writing with these tips to improve your writing style. Keep reading to take your content writing to the next level.

Avoid Multiple Commas: Excessive use of commas can make a sentence confusing and hard to read. Try to keep your sentences structured in a way that minimizes the need for multiple commas.

Check Your Grammar: Always proofread your work to ensure correct grammar. Errors can disrupt the reading flow and detract from your message.

Practice Reading Your Content: Reading your content out loud can help you spot awkward phrasing or lengthy sentences. If it’s hard to read aloud, it might be hard for your reader to comprehend.

Avoid Jargon: Jargon can alienate readers who are not familiar with the terminology. Always explain or avoid industry-specific terms whenever possible.

Use Active Voice: Active voice makes your writing more dynamic and easier to understand.

Be Concise: Avoid unnecessary words or phrases. Each word should add value to the sentence.

Use Analogies and Examples: They can help explain complex ideas in simple terms, making your content more accessible.


In summary, simple and clear writing is vital to effective communication. It invites a wider audience, fosters understanding, and promotes engagement. By using plain language, reducing complex sentences, and avoiding jargon, you help ensure your readers grasp your ideas fully.

Always aim to make your writing inclusive and accessible. After all, the mark of a great writer isn’t just about being understood by a few; it’s about being understood by many.

I find that Grammarly is one of the best tools to simplify your write. Check it out here. Now that you know how to simplify your writing, learn more about spinning articles.

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