Last Updated on August 13, 2021 by Ellen
Do you need a blogging coach? You want to build a successful blog, but you don’t know where to start. There are thousands of blogging coaches out there who will promise you the world and charge you an arm and leg for it. But most of them aren’t worth your time or money.
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I’ve been blogging for 14 years and have seen quite a few coaches come and go. Here are my top 7 tips on how to find a great blogging coach that fits your needs (and doesn’t break the bank).
Choosing a Blogging Coach
Finding a good blogging coach can be a daunting task. However, there are some tips that can help you figure out what type of coach you need to find for your blog. Start by asking yourself the following questions:
- What kind of help am I looking for?
- Do I want someone who will focus on helping me grow my personal brand or do I want someone who will focus on improving my site’s SEO?
- Does it matter if the coach has experience?
Once you have answered these questions, you should be able to narrow down the search and find the blogging coach that best fits your needs!
What Kind of Coach am I Looking for?
There are three main blog categories that you should consider when narrowing down your search. Each category’s coaching is very different and therefore requires a different approach to coaching.
1) Personal/ Executive Blog –
These types of blogs tend to be more informational in nature about specific topics. Some examples include:
- The personal blog of a CEO sharing his or her experiences in the business world.
- The executive blog of an insurance agent giving advice to clients on how to handle certain types of claims.
Since these blogs are more informational, their main focus is on posting quality content to build their brand and help them become an authority in their industry.
2) Informational/ Authority Blog –
These types of blogs tend to be educational or informational in nature about a specific subject. Some examples include:
- The blog of a computer repair business giving tips and tricks on how to fix computers quickly.
- The blog that sells handmade crafts, showing how to make them.
- A blog about a fashion designer’s life and advice on how to be more stylish.
Since these blogs are more informational, their main focus is on SEO and using the different methods available (social media, content creation, etc.) to gain visibility in search results. You will need a different blogging coach depending on your goals.
3) News/Breaking Blog –
These types of blogs tend to be newsy in nature, with constant updates on events and happenings. They are usually updated very frequently and typically include lots of pictures as well. Some examples include:
- The blog that is dedicated to keeping up with the latest sports scores for an entire league (i.e. a blog tracking the NBA)
- The blog that is dedicated to keeping up with the latest election news (i.e. a blog tracking political happenings).
- A blog that tracks any breaking news around a certain subject, such as a movie star or an interesting story going on in the world.
Since these blogs are so information-based and have so much happening, the main focus is on being able to quickly update their site and making sure it stays relevant.
Branding or SEO?
Do I want someone who will focus on helping me grow my personal brand or do I want someone who will focus on improving my site’s SEO?
Depending on what your blog’s main focus is, you will want to determine if the coach has experience in that area. For example, if your blog’s main focus is on personal branding and building an audience, be sure to choose a coach who focuses on this type of blogging because they will be able to help you with strategies for improving your brand and growing your readership.
However, if your blog’s main focus is on improving its SEO and not necessarily growing a brand around it, you may be able to choose a coach who has experience in this area but does not have any personal branding expertise.
Does it matter if the blogging coach has experience?
While personal branding or SEO expertise may be important in some cases, not always does it matter if the coach has any experience or not. It is usually better to choose a coach who knows what you are doing already and can help you improve in specific areas.
For example, let’s say your blog focuses on personal branding but you need help improving its SEO. You should choose a coach who is experienced in SEO and can help you improve your blog’s ranking in search results. On the other hand, if you are new to blogging and need some guidance on how to get started or what types of topics to talk about, it may be better for you to choose a coach with experience in either personal branding or general blogging.
How long will the coaching session be?
Depending on your preference, you can choose a coaching session that is either 45 minutes or 90 minutes long. Some coaches charge by the hour, so be sure to discuss this with them beforehand. You will also want to determine whether or not you are able to talk with the coach via phone or Skype.
How many coaching sessions will I need?
You should also discuss with your potential coach how many coaching sessions you will need. For some, one session is enough to improve their blog and get it off the ground, while others may need a series of coaching sessions over two weeks or more to see results. It will also depend on your specific needs and the issues you are having with your blog’s performance.
What Will Happen During the Coaching Session?
You should discuss what will happen during your coaching session beforehand because some coaches may require you to have a set agenda for that day or two. Some coaches may also have certain rules for the coaching session that you must follow (such as not being able to be on your phone or checking out other websites during the session).
How to find the right blogging coach
Anyone can call themselves an expert so it’s important that you thoroughly research the person you’re considering working with. Don’t just take them at face value.
- Google them. Did they magically appear a year ago with no information on them before that? This may indicate that their name is not real. If that’s the case, I’d be concerned who the person is behind the fake name.
- Look at their blog or website. When was it created? Does it have 10 posts and nothing else? Or is there some amount of history on there to prove they know what they’re talking about?
- Ask for references and check them. Make sure that these people are real people too.
- Be sure they aren’t just telling you what t do. A real coach teaches you how to determine what you need to do. They don’t simply give you “assignments” to work on. The end goal is for you to learn how to do this on your own.
If you think you’ve reached the point in your career that you need a blogging coach, I hope that some of these tips will help you choose the best one. You may want to check out these resources for experienced bloggers.

Ellen is a serial entrepreneur who owns 9 profitable blogs, two printable stores, an online vintage jewelry business, and a variety of other work at home endeavors. She shares tips for working at home successfully.