How to Market Product Using Social Media

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Last Updated on November 2, 2022 by Ellen

More and more people are turning to eBay, Etsy, Mercari, and Poshmark to bring in more money. This has people wondering how to market product using social media. After all, if we market out blog posts and our businesses, it only stands to reason that we should market whatever products we’re selling.

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How to Market Product Using Social Media So It Sells

Market Product Using Social Media

With billions of people on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram, it only makes sense that people want to reach those people to sell their products. You can reach huge numbers of people if you promote your product the right way.

And, done properly promoting your product on social media is much cheaper than buying an ad on a local radio station or renting space at a flea market or brick and mortar store.

Best products to sell on social media

Don’t worry about the best products to sell on social media. The key is to find the best social media site for the product you want to sell. It’s likely that business-related products will sell best on a site like LinkedIn because that’s its focus.

Likewise, beauty and fashion products often sell best on Instagram. Home Decor tends to do well on Pinterest. You’ll need to experiment to find out which social media site has the audience you want to read.

Define your goals

Are you interested in getting more sales from existing customers? Finding new customers? Targeting customers that will provide repeat sales? Growing your newsletter base? Before you begin, it’s important that you set a goal and a purpose.

Best use of social media

Be realistic about what the best use of social media is for your business. You don’t need to have a social media account for every platform that exists.

Start with one or two and learn the platform and the best practices. Find out what works and how much time it takes. It’s better to market yourself on two channels successfully than to market yourself on eight channels poorly.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”It’s better to market yourself on two channels successfully than to market yourself on eight channels poorly.” quote=”Tweet this helpful social media marketing advice.”]

Create a community

No one wants to feel like all they are seeing on social media is ads. You need to create a community with your followers. Share things that are not simply products you’re selling.

Share information about events that are happening related to your product or funny memes that others can relate to. Talk to your followers and learn more about what they like and don’t like. Try creating a poll to learn more about them.

How to Market Product Using Social Media So It Sells

Offer exclusive discounts

Anyone can purchase your products. They don’t need to follow you on social media to do that. So, what is the benefit to them of connecting with you that way?

Offer an exclusive discount to those that do follow you. You can offer a percent off their purchase or a free gift when they mention they follow you on social media.

Make a group

Groups are an easy way to connect with like-minded people. You can create a group around your product specialty and invite others to join. Don’t limit posting to just your sales items.

Like social media, it’s best to share other content in your group as well. This can increase engagement and attract more members which can lead to more sales. Remember, to be relevant, you need to add value, not just noise.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Remember, to be relevant, you need to add value, not just noise.” quote=”Click to share this important advice.”]

How to promote a product on Facebook

Facebook has increasingly become a pay to play social media channel. What that means is that it’s not likely that you’ll reach many potential new customers by simply posting to your Facebook page.

You will get far greater reach by creating a group as I mentioned above. Or, by placing an ad. Unless your product has a pretty good markup, you will likely just waste money placing a lot of Facebook ads.

If you’re wondering how to market product using social media, it can’t hurt to experiment with Facebook ads but do so cautiously.

In-app purchases

In-app purchases are relatively new but they are expanding. Pinterest now has a buy it now button and Facebook offers in-app purchases directly on your Facebook page. It cannot hurt to see how these features work for your product.

While social media may not make up a huge portion of your sales traffic, it cannot hurt to experiment and see how it works for your business.

Pick a few of these strategies and see which one is the most effective for you. How will you market product using social media?

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